It's been like... how many years now that fear was the order of the day, war after war, live massacres, displaced populations, phosphores
cent Gaza, neo-climat
ic floods, fire, earthquake
s, viral media echoing the chaos; end times and the neo-libera
l planetary disaster. People have been barely suppressin
g a kind of primal scream.
Of course, at the same time, there was the internet boom, elections fought on youtube, the pirate party in Sweden, the various hacker groups advocating their seminal brand of digital communism with systemic agencies struggling as if to push back the wave created by technology and disaster economics... So much strife, pain, and so much longing for Prometheus.
Enter the stage: The leaking symptom with its alleged immoral, abusive and sexually threatening apparatus! Wikileaks, like a scream that reveals graphically what everyone had felt: "nothing is really under control and they are lying to us. We are unprotected like their data and we may even like it". The role of Sweden in this is quite indicative of the current state of liberalism!
Of course, there has to be some sort of martyrdom in order to turn a man into a symbol... As far as I know, all serious social mutation and drifts of power require ritual sacrifice (lubrication for social mechanics). Poor great Julian!
Of course, at the same time, there was the internet boom, elections fought on youtube, the pirate party in Sweden, the various hacker groups advocating their seminal brand of digital communism with systemic agencies struggling as if to push back the wave created by technology and disaster economics.