(Το ελληνικό πρωτότυπο ακολουθεί)
These days, I have remembered the saint of our war of independence as a nation: sweet general Makriyannis, the poor illiterate boy who learnt how to write in his old age, in order to voice his dismay with interested politicians and greedy warriors who harmed his country immensely, as if they were its worst enemies. In his memoirs, he told his story and how he struggled for the establishment of a constitutional democracy. He told his story for young people and the generations to come. But, our schools concealed his testimony and what he abhorred seems to repeat itself.
Here is an extract in English (from the introduction).
Translated by Rick Μ. Newton: The Charioteer 28/1986
Ι have one request to make of all you distinguished readers: you do not have the right to make any judgment either for or against if you do not read the entire work: οnly then do you have the right to render whatever verdict you like, either for οr against. After reading it all, from beginning to end, then you can judge all those who brought misfortunes οn our country and caused civil wars through their personal interests and selfishness: these are the ones responsible for the past and present sufferings of οur unfortunate country and our honest fighters. Ι will write down the bare truth and do so with dispassion. But the truth is bitter and unwelcome to the ears of those of us who have done wrong: for we want what is wrong and we pursue our self-interests, and we still want others to call us "fine patriots." And that is impossible. Neither will Ι conceal the truth nor will Ι allow it to remain hidden that οur country has suffeτed harm and dishonor and is ever degenerating to this end: we have all been found to be wild beasts. History books will tell of the causes of this evil, and newspapers recount them every day. And my οwn words carry no weight: educated people, not simple illiterates, ought to be writing of these matters so that our youth can see them and future generations may acquire more virtue and patriotism. For every human being, one's country and faith are his all, and he must make sacrifices of patriotism so that he and his kinsmen may live like honorable people in society. And οnly when adorned with patriotic sentiments do people earn the name of "nation." Otherwise, they are mere shams of nations and a burden οn the earth. This country belongs to each and every one of us and is the product of the struggles of even the smallest and weakest citizen: for he too has a vested interest in this country and this faith. It is improper for any person to be lazy and neglect these duties. Αnd the educated man must proclaim the truth as an educated man; and the simple man must do the same. For the earth has nο handle with which a single person, nο matter how strong οr weak, can lift it οn his οwn shoulders. And when a person is too weak fοr a task and cannot take up the burden single-handed, he gets the others to help: in that case, let him not imagine saying, "Ι did it!" Let him say, τatheτ, "We did it!" For we have all, not just one, put our shoulders into it. Οur rulers and leaders, both native and foreign-bοrn, have become "Most Illustrious" and "Most Brave" : nothing stops them. We were poor and became rich. Here in the Peloponnese Kiamil Bey and the other Turks were extremely wealthy. Kolokotronis, his relatives, and friends have grown rich οn the lands, factories, mills, houses, vineyards, and other wealth that belonged to the Turks. When Kolokotronis and his companions came from Zakynthos, they didn't οwn even a square foot of land. Νοw all can see what they possess. The same thing happened in Roumeli: Gouras and Mamouris, Kritzotis, the Grivas clan, Staikos, the Tzavelas family and many others. And what are they asking of the nation? Millions more for their great services rendered. And they never let up in this. They are always at work trying to come up with laws and parties for the good of the country. Our country has endured more sufferings and lost more brave young men to their "laws" and "good" than it did in our struggle against the Turks. We have forced our people to live in caves with wild animals. We have desolated the countryside and become the scourge of the earth.
Αll this has given me cause to learn how to write in my old age so that Ι could write it all down. Ι too was one of them. Let someone else write whatever he knows about me. As for myself, Ι will tell the bare truth. Fοr Ι have a share in this country where Ι and my children will live. For Ι was young and grew old before my time from these horrors brought οn my country. Ι have five wounds οn my body from various battles for my country, and I have come out of it only half a man. Most of the time Ι am bedridden, debilitated by it all. Ι glorify God for not depriving me of my life, and Ι am grateful to my country for honoring me with promotions in keeping with my position and circumstances up to the rank of General. Ι live like a human being with the blessings God has bestowed upon me, without ever feeling a pang of conscience and without ever having deprived anyone of even a foot of land.
Ὅλα αὐτά μου δῶσαν ἀφορμὴ νὰ μάθω γράμματα εἰς τὰ γεράματα, νὰ τὰ σημειώσω ὅλα. Ἕνας ἀπὸ αὐτοὺς ἤμουν καὶ ἐγώ. Ἃς γράψῃ ἄλλος διὰ 'μένα ὅ,τι γνωρίζῃ. Ἐγὼ τὴν ἀλήθεια θὰ τὴν εἰπῶ γυμνή. Ὅτι ἔχω τὸ μερίδιό μου˙ 'σ αὐτείνη τὴν πατρίδα θὰ ζήσω ἐγὼ καὶ τὰ παιδιά μου. Ὅτ' ἤμουν νέος καὶ στραβογέρασα ἀπὸ αὐτὰ τὰ δεινά της πατρίδας˙ πέντε πληγὲς πῆρα εἰς τὸ σῶμα μου εἰς διάφορους ἀγῶνες πατρίδος καὶ ἀποκαταστάθηκα μισὸς ἄνθρωπος καὶ τὸν περισσότερον καιρὸ εἶμαι εἰς τὰ ροῦχα ἀστενὴς ἀπὸ αὐτά. Δοξάζω τὸν Θεὸν ὁποῦ δὲν μοῦ σήκωσε τὴν ζωή μου καὶ εὐκαριστῶ καὶ τὴν πατρίδα μου ὁποῦ μὲ τίμησε βαθμολογῶντας κατὰ τὴν τάξη, κατὰ τὴς περίστασες, ὡς τὸν βαθμὸν τοῦ στρατηγοῦ καὶ ζῶ ὡς ἄνθρωπος μ' ἐκεῖνο ὁποῦ εὐλόγησε ὁ Θεὸς χωρὶς νὰ μὲ τύπτῃ ἡ συνείδησή μου, χωρὶς νὰ γυμνώσω κανέναν οὔτε μίαν πιθαμὴ γῆς.
kapou vrika dwrean ta apomnimoneumata tou kai enw ta theorousa oxi kai toso 'simantiko diavasma' na kanw telika kolisa kai einai apo ta agapimena mou biblia gia tin eilikrinia kai ti zontania tou logou tou alla kai epidi matheno apo primary source epitelous pos itan i zoi tote, nomizo telika sta sxolia eprepe na vazoun ta pedia na diavazoun auto kai oxi ta biblia istorias, na mathoun na min pistevoun eukola deutereuouses piges kiolas....
Thank you so much Christian, I appreciate your comment. Can you read greek?
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